I just joined our local 'Y' 2 weeks ago, & you talk about a MAJOR deal! Just 'gittin' there everyday for a 1 hour workout.............well, I got a feelin' it's about as much work as ropin' a newborn calf!
Honestly, it has taken the determination of a bull to get me there each day! I can't believe how out of shape I have gotten over the last 5 years. After walking faithfully for 1 hour a day for nearly a year, I lost 25 pounds in the process..........until ONE DAY, when I just couldn't 'do' the cold, I quit! Cold turkey...........just quit! Now, 5 years later, I have an EXTRA 35 pounds on my body, & I can't IMAGINE the amount of work , not to mention, deprivation, it's going to take to get it all off!
I would imagine there are more of you gals out there with the same problem. I was never one to want to go to a gym, & be around all those sweaty people (of which now, I am one!) , but, I have to give credit where credit is due~it's the BEST place to be if you are serious about your health and serious about doing the work required to get in shape. My mother struggles from the devastating effects of severe osteoporosis & multiple myeloma~bone cancer. I have seen a once vibrant woman, who could run circles around me, & with the figure of a teenager, reduced to a hunched over , fragile , wisp-of-a-thing in a mere 3 years. She is only 79, but 3 years ago, could have passed for someone in their mid-50's. It's caused me to take a second look at where I want to be at that age, and seeing that I or my siblings might carry the genes that have caused our mother so much misery, I hope to stall and even ward off the onset by taking better care of this one and only body I will ever have.
Yeah.................I think I'll try to 'lasso' in the waistline. Anyone want to join me?
PS~the picture came fromRee Drummond of "Pioneer Woman".