Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Polka-Dot Bliss!

Oh, how I love polka-dots! To show you how unobservant I can be, it just dawned on me the other day that I had created a broom to match my garden clogs..................and I hadn't even REALIZED it, until I snapped this picture! Oh, 'ma-yun', as 'Diego', the cartoon character always says! ha! It has been so hot & humid the last week here in our neck of the woods, that watering twice a day has been a must, in order to keep things from burning up! I have been babying these Gerber daisies for most of the summer (I don't even know why I have tried so hard~it's just that they were the 'leftovers' from the flats that I had planted in the Spring, & I just didn't want them to go to waste!) It is EXTREMELY hot in August here in Kansas, which takes alot of the joy out of gardening this time of year. But somehow these pink polka dot clogs & broom make even the heat tolerable!

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